(Paper intended for a somebody to invite a relative or a friend from the Philippines)


I, _________________________ of legal age, Filipino Citizen, single/married to ___________________________ and presently residing at ____________________ in the Federal Republic of Germany, after having duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and say:

That I am presently employed at _________________________________

That I have a monthly income of ____________________________ Euro (€ _________) or about _______________________ US DOLLARS ($ _________)

That it is my desire that Mr/Mrs/Miss _____________________________ ___________________, my parents/brother/sister/husband/child/children/friend, presently residing in ______________________, Philippines, come to Germany for the following purposes: _____________________________________________.

That I hereby guarantee to support him/her/them and undertake to shoulder all his/her/their expenses in staying with me in Germany.

That I am executing this affidavit in order to satisfy the requirements of the proper authorities relative to the travel of ____________________________ to Germany.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands this _________ day of ____________, ____________ in the Philippine Embassy, Bonn Extension Office, Federal Republic of Germany.





Foreign Service of the Philippines )
Republic of the Philippines )
Embassy of the Philippines ) S.S.
Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany )

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this __________ day of ___________, 2003 in the Philippine Extension Office, Federal Republic of Germany, affiant exhibiting to me her Passport No _______________ issued _____________ on _________________.